Pauls Most Recent Sailing Reports

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Paul Cayard, from San Francisco, USA, steered his black and red boat, The Black Pearl, over the finish line in the Hudson River to claim the second place for his Pirates of the Caribbean team in leg six of the Volvo Ocean Race in New York today. Finishing at 06:47:11 (local time, 10:47:11 GMT) this […]

Position: 37,29.87N , 75,28.52W Speed: 12 knots, Course: 5 deg. We are back at it, racing up to New York. This will be the second stop in the USA for the Volvo Ocean Race. There were thousands of spectator craft out on the Bay once again to send us off. Great turn out Maryland! We […]

Owners Dick and Susan Franyo rolled out the red carpet on 5 May at the sailors’ favourite watering hole in Annapolis. More than 200 fans and Pirate followers stopped by to meet the Pirates of the Caribbean team who were on hand to sign thousands of autographs and judge the Boatyard’s art contest for children. […]

AYC Hosts The Black Pearl During VOR Annapolis Stopover As the official host club of The Black Pearl during its Annapolis stopover, AYC and its members had a unique opportunity to enjoy the Volvo Ocean Race. With a mutual interest in promoting junior sailing, Paul Cayard and the Annapolis Yacht Club Foundation teamed up to […]

Pescanova hosted their largest ever children’s Pirates event today in Baltimore, USA with more than 2,000 local children enjoying an interactive stage show in the heart of the city, attended by Mayor Martin O’Malley and of course the Pirates of the Caribbean crew! The crew is about to set off on leg 6 of the […]

It was another solid performance by the Pirates of the Caribbean today with a third place in the Baltimore import race. The result also moved the Pirates up to third place overall moving past ABN Amro Two. The breeze was 9 knots at the start and dropped to 6 knots on the third downwind leg […]

This afternoon Paul Cayard, Skipper of The Pirates of the Caribbean made an appearance at West Marine in Annapolis. On the eve of the Annapolis NOOD Regatta, interested sailors came from all over to learn more about Cayard’s experiences and adventures aboard The Black Pearl in the Volvo Ocean Race 2005-2006. More than 200 people […]

McCORMICK & SCHMICK’S NAMED OFFICIAL RESTAURANT OF PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN SAILING TEAM IN BALTIMORE Restaurant Supports Team and Hosts Pirates Meet and Greet Baltimore, MD- McCormick & Schmick’s Seafood Restaurant, located in downtown Baltimore on Pier 5, has been selected as the Official Restaurant of the Pirates of the Caribbean Team during the Volvo […]

The only American yacht in the Volvo Ocean Race 2005/06, The Black Pearl skippered by Paul Cayard (US), has arrived into Baltimore in third place to a rapturous home welcome. Pirates of the Caribbean team finished at 0722 (local time) to clench their fourth podium place and skipper and crew were clearly delighted. When they […]

Position: 38,44.29N , 76,24.97W Speed: 8 knots, Course: 32 deg. In the USA. We are currently 3/4ers the way up the Chesapeake Bay. The last 48 hours have been trying. We have been slating in flat calms with huge left over seas, dodging intense electrical storms, and beating upwind in a 30 knot squall. The […]

As Pirates of the Caribbean blasted through the mist off the entrance of Chesapeake Bay, I could hear that fabulous music from the Walt Disney movie in my head. Thanks to the immense help of Kimo Worthington, Mitch Brindley and Brian McCauley, we had arrived at the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel about 10 minutes before […]

Position: 30,31.26N , 69,44.24W Speed: 19 knots, Course: 324 deg. It was a long a tedious day yesterday as we crawled our way through the high pressure ridge. Fluky winds with maximum gusts of 5 knots were the norm for about 10 hours. We managed just 77 miles in 12 hours during the middle of […]

Position: 34,3.94N , 71,56.33W Speed: 6 knots, Course: 341 deg. Cayard Cruise Lines May 05 When Paul and Kimo called last May and told me Paul was starting a Pirates themed division of Disney Cruise lines I didn’t hesitate to sign on. Paul said it would be great. Exotic locations, skull and cross bones and […]

Position: 26,28.80 N , 65,2.90 W Speed: 18 knots, Course: 326 deg. It has been a day of change. We have sailed through a large mass of cloud that is the remnant of a decaying cold front. It was probably 200 miles wide as seen from the satellite pictures. Under this clouds deck, the winds […]

Join Kimo Worthington, General Manager of The Pirates of the Caribbean for a virtual tour of The Black Pearl. Kimo swaps his mobile phone for a microphone, to take you on a tour of our team’s impressive VO70 through The Black Pearl website. Kimo will take you down below to see the sailors’ sleeping quarters, […]

Position: 23,26.35N , 61,9.30W Speed: 14 knots, Course: 303 deg. What a day! It all started off just as great as yesterday ended. The Pearl making gains on the competition, nice easy trade winds sailing, warm and sunny. Then in a one hour period, the spinnaker we had trouble with yesterday started parting at the […]

Position: 16,43.19N , 56,39.4W Speed: 18 knots, Course: 330 deg. Progress onboard the Black Pearl has been going well over the past 48 hours. We got out of out weak angles and into our fast sails. We have managed to put miles on almost everyone including ABN1 at times. The conditions are reaching with masthead […]

Position: 7,8.77N , 46,55.96W Speed: 17 knots, Course: 311 deg. We had been stressed about our lack of speed for long enough. Brasil1 kept putting miles on us and Ericsson was getting closer. Even though we could not see anything on the keel or rudder, we decided the only way to get the possibility that […]

We have had Brasil in sight all day and they have been making slow but steady gains on us. We have tried everything, different sails, different trim and shapes, different helmsmen. They are just 1 mile away so we can see what sails they have up and they appear to be the same as ours […]

It was a stressful couple of days for us on the Pearl. The boat was not going very fast and we tried everything to get her going but to no avail. We also did get hit by more than our fair share of “parking lots” partly our fault and partly bad luck. Our competitors kept […]

Position: 13,4.11S , 35,39.36W Speed: 13 knots, Course: 34 deg. It was a light a variable day today with winds as light as 3 knots. There is always a lot of anxiety when you have that little wind as you wonder what everyone else has. Today we had to fight our way through a large […]

Position: 16,27.85S , 37,42.62W Speed: 9 knots, Course: 54 deg. Russian Roulette is more like it than sailing. Large clouds dominate the scene and the wind is light and variable. When it is this light, and while you are making the best of what you have, you can’t help thinking that the other guys have […]

Position: 20,13.29S , 39,21.58W Speed: 13 knots, Course: 20 deg. I just logged the 1600UTC sked. Like many of you, I noticed that the positions were basically the same as they were 6 hours ago. So, one could imagine that we have been just trundling along here, happy as can be. Nothing could be further […]

Position: 23,8.63S , 42,22.76W Speed: 9 knots, Course: 78 deg. It was a very friendly send off at the dock this morning. Many fans were on hand at Marina Gloria to say good bye to the fleet. The Brazilians were great hosts and did a fantastic job with the stopover. Onboard the Black Pearl the […]

The third Grumetes – cabin boys in Spanish, girls too we hope – and Pescanova Pirates Day of the race so far proved to be a lively affair with a cacophony of drum beats, roaring cheers and cannon fire, accompanying a spectacular display of dancing and gymnastics from the Circo Popular do Brasil and the […]

It was a tough day for the Pirates today. The conditions on the Rio harbor were excellent with steady winds of 14-18 knots. The spectators were numerous and very enthusiastic We had a very nice start and first windward leg and run to round the first leeward mark second to ABN AMRO One with Movistar […]

The Pirates of the Caribbean team celebrated their second place arrival into Rio de Janiero in style at an elegant cocktail reception hosted by Ermenegildo Zegna on 21 March. Pirate cocktails and celebrity guests were the talk of the evening as the crew of The Black Pearl enjoyed stepping out in their Z Zegna suits […]

A grand event during the stop-over in the Volvo Ocean Race Rio de Janeiro, 21st March 2006 The Pirates arrived in Rio in 2nd place at the end of 4th leg of the Volvo Ocean Race, and Zegna is here to greet them. The accomplishments of Skipper Paul Cayard and his crew board The Black […]

Position: 35 North 85 W, Course and Speed: 180, 540 knots I have had a good week at home in San Francisco and am ready to get back into the Volvo Ocean Race. My week was a mix of work and rest, the perfect mix for me. The unexpected chore (forgotten might be more appropriate […]

Paul Cayard made a special stop at the St Francis Yacht Club for the annual Olympian Support Committee Dinner & Auction, during his brief visit home between Legs 4 and 5 of the Volvo Ocean Race. Paul updated the full house on the Pirate team’s adventures thus far aboard The Black Pearl. On display in […]

I’m writing this week’s report from the Pirate’s base in Marina da Gloria, Rio de Janeiro. Following on from our strong finish into Rio, the team is upbeat and determined to continue our move up the leader board. The crew have now taken a few days off, either to go and visit the sights and […]

Seahorse March 2006 Position: 47,48.88S , 50,11.62W Speed: 21 knots, Course: 56 deg. My third rounding of Cape Horn was the best. We got to within two miles of the Cape and having been there before, it was all about enjoying the moment this time. There was one other person onboard who had been there […]

Position: 23,19.8S , 43,16.50W Speed: 15 knots, Course: 8 deg. What an incredible afternoon and night. I have never been in so much rain. It has been one squall after another with huge down pours. Of course this reeked havoc on the wind. It was a 15 hour work out-changing sails one after another. We […]

PRESS RELEASE It was a tough battle to the finish but the Pirates stayed strong, and finished in second place, just 30 minutes ahead of AMN ARMO TWO after the longest, toughest leg of the race. The Pirates of the Caribbean finished Leg 4 at 07.06 UTC, moving the team into third position overall in […]

Magro, elegante con la sua maglietta bianca da Pirate of the Caribbean, in grandisma, porta i 47 anni come i baffi, sempre neri come il carbone e i capelli. Come un ragazzino insomma, anche dopo 6.100 miglia in pieno oceano e oltre venti giorni della seconda durissima tappa dellavolvo Ocean Race, la Città del Capo […]

Position: 26,7.36S , 44,19.28W Speed: 7 knots, Course: 333 deg. It has been very slow going for the past 24 hours. Added to that there seems to be no pattern to the weather. There is no trend. The wind is blowing basically directly from Rio so we are making very slow progress to the finish. […]

Position: 25,30.60S , 44,13.59W Speed: 11 knots, Course: 40 deg. After the last sked we came to a grinding halt. It was depressing to see that Brasil1 and ABN AMRO Two had made big gains and were in the new wind while we were becalmed. Shortly thereafter we got hit with a squall. It was […]

Position: 27,54.18S , 44,43.83W Speed: 10 knots, Course: 342 deg. Just slogging away upwind in 15 knots today. The good news is that there has been more wind than the forecast but still upwind which is slow going. Beautiful weather though – clear skies – sailing in our shorts and T-shirts. Fairly smooth sea. Nice […]